The Structurer, a guarantor of innovation

The Structurer, a guarantor of innovation

A Structurer’s career

The Structurer drives innovation of financial products all while responding to the demands of clients. Structurers must therefore create products by combining already existing products. These derived products, or ‘hybrids’, normally show higher performance than their ‘parent products’ and are therefore created to respond to the needs of individual clients. Structurers work in trading rooms alongside Traders, as Structurers need Traders to price and put their derived products on the market.

Structurers’ work conditions

Structurers must have knowledge in multiple fields: firstly, in market finance, in order to create products and manage relations with Traders. Their work also has a commercial facet, as they must meet the needs of their clients: contact with a Sales Trader is indispensable in meeting client demands. Finally, legal and juridical knowledge about the creation and circulation of new financial products is equally important.

Structurers may graduate from an engineering or economic school, and then follow their university studies with a period of specialized financial training. A significant level of experience in a trading room is equally required. The duality of the CIT training course allows Structurers to develop their skills, who then leave the trading school with a course in market finance, along with trading experience.

A Structurer’s compensation is in part fixed and in part variable: wages depend on the seniority of the Structurer and the efficacy of their products, though a Structurer’s bonus cannot attain the same amount as a Trader’s bonus. The fixed salary of a Structurer varies between 50,000 € and 150,000€ annually, according to experience.

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