Mission Statement and Values of the Californian Institute of Trading

Mission Statement and Values of the Californian Institute of Trading

Our Mission

The CIT’s mission is made up of two elements: Firstly, to equip tomorrow’s finance professionals with an excellent understanding of North American business culture as well as complete mastery of the English language in a standard professional setting. Learning English is therefore central to the program and CIT graduates are guaranteed excellent competency in intercultural business communication, a skill that is necessary to the acquisition of international trading techniques.

Its second mission is to mold market finance’s future wealth managers and to provide them with the technical and mathematical tools necessary in financial decision-making, all while integrating the psychological dimension of trading finance. These skills are all indispensable to anyone who wishes to reveal their high-potential financial talents. Students must also be capable of anticipating what is at stake socially, politically and economically, and to make decisions in a constantly changing multicultural environment.

What makes our trading school unique is notably its ability to provide training that combine both a development of technical performance and ‘savoir-faire’.  At the Institute we offer an inventive style of learning, with the goal of teaching our students to meet the world head on. This spirit of resilience and persistence is mirrored in the Californian Institute of Trading’s motto:  “Learn to dominate the uncertain.”

Key Values


It is our philosophy to accept applicants who display high academic merit, as well as those who offer an original profile to the school’s student body. This selectivity guarantees the quality of exchanges with the faculty and research team.

International Accessibility

Today’s top students are recruited not by criteria based on geographic proximity or nationality, but on the interest of their profile. Keeping this in mind, the CIT’s programs respond to the expectations of the global market. The CIT’s policy is that of multicultural integration, within its faculty and student body.

Spirit of Initiative

The CIT encourages its students to push past their limits and reveal their talents by encouraging them to assist in initiatives for the common good.  Special attention is paid to the socio-economical impact that markets have on society. The redistribution and sharing of wealth is one of the school’s cardinal values, so that tomorrow’s financiers will become responsible stakeholders within the market.

Social Accessibility

The Institute constantly seeks to improve opportunity equality, through its diploma trading courses and through a large number of social accompaniment plans so that social origins are not a hindrance to the emergence of financial prodigies.

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La Russie a connu depuis début décembre la plus grande crise monétaire et économique de ce siècle. La chute du rouble brutale rappelle des souvenirs de la fin de la guerre froide.

Demandez à n’importe quel trader, qu’il soit employé par une banque, professionnel en Bourse ou amateur réalisant ses trades à domicile et il vous le dira : le métier n’est pas de tout repos.

Yahoo, mort et enterré ? Au début des années 2010, il est vrai que la situation n’était pas brillante pour la firme californienne.

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C’est une grande première sur les marchés financiers, et elle fait du bruit : le cours moyen du baril de Brent brut sur 5 ans est désormais exprimé sur 3 chiffres.


Publications and educational resources of the CIT. Publications and educational resources of the CIT.



Theorical knowledge and market room experience



Enseignement dispensé au CIT Teachings, diploma and accreditations of the CIT



Research and innovation in financial engineering Innovation and financial engineering research at CIT.

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