CIT’s Become a Trader program Entrance Exam

CIT’s Become a Trader program Entrance Exam

How do I register?

The CIT’s MBA program is open to anyone who has the motivation and personal skills necessary to become an effective and renowned trader, whatever their origin or path may have been. This is why no prior training course in market finance is required, and no diploma is necessary for those who wish to join.  Our entry conditions do not account for past academic records, and are based solely on the final scores of the official entrance exam. 

Even so, success in the training program requires mathematical and logical aptitude, a mastery of English and a solid analytical understanding of current events in finance and economics. The selection process of applicants is highly demanding, and we only select applicants whose profiles correspond perfectly with the training course. For all those who wish to try the CIT entrance exam and enter into a highly unique trading training course, admission tests for the Californian Institute of Trading occur in one day of entrance exams, consisting of four parts: 3 written exams and 1 oral exam. This format was chosen in order to avoid multiple trips for jury members and applicants. It also makes the procedure both simpler and fairer than a “classic” entrance exam, which has an eligibility and admission period. At the CIT, all of an applicant’s skills are evaluated, both oral and written, in one day, without intermediary elimination.

Testing sessions occur each month between September and June. Applicants can register directly on the site, under the calendar tab. They can choose the date that they wish, depending on the number of places; it is therefore recommended to register as soon as possible. An applicant can only attend one testing session.

Entrance exam schedule

On exam day, the tests will occur in the following order :

  • English exam
  • Calculus exam
  • Logics exam
  • Interviews

The results of these four exams will allow the jury to select a limited number of applicants for entry into the school. The tests will have an original format, in comparison to traditional entrance exams, so the CIT has prepared a booklet of past tests that can be ordered in order to prepare in the most effective way possible. Registration for the entrance exam costs 390 €. 

After the exams, selected students will have to follow the additional administrative steps required for entry into the school.

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