Financing your education at the CIT
The CIT’s instruction combines theory in class and direct application on a trading platform in a trading room. The three students who prove to show the best performance in the market will have their tuition paid in full. They will also be offered contracts without a term to join our team of traders, quants or researchers.
Attractive Loans
The most prestigious recruitment firms and the largest business investment banks have shown great interest in the skills and experience that students gain at the CIT during the trading training course. This is why our large bank partners allow the CIT students to finance their education via loans at a zero percent interest rate, and prorate their repayment for a period of three years. Once equipped with their training and experience, with the CIT diploma in hand, a great majority of students rapidly obtain highly paid positions. The repayment of student loans is therefore not an obstacle for CIT students.
Scholarships for student researchers
Each year the CIT dedicates a significant part of its budget to research scholarships to encourage the most brilliant students to join our research team in fields such as financial mathematics and behavioral finance.
Reduced tuition for scholarship students
The CIT trading school bases its recruitment politics on the equality of opportunity: anyone may enter into the trading school if they have the necessary motivation, personal skills and basic understanding of market finance. The CIT therefore gives each student an opportunity to join our school, so as not to push aside any talented students that are unable to finance their studies due to their financial situation. This is why tuition is reduced to :
- 6,000€ per year for all CROUS level 1-5 scholarship students
- 11,950€ per year for all CROUS level 0 scholarship students
Free of charge for CROUS level 6 students from Education Priority Zones
Education Priority Zones (or ZEPs in French) provide a selective recruitment path for high performing students who completed their high school education in one of 100 ZEP establishments. The lack of social and cultural openness in certain higher learning institutions in France has inspired the CIT to offer a new form of admission procedure. Four major obstacles explain the existence of these social barriers: the lack of financial means, absence of information, social bias (linked to the nature of selection processes), as well as the phenomenon of self-limitation. Our policy of openness aims to reestablish equal opportunity by fighting against these four obstacles.