Stocks destined for the most brilliant minds in finance

Stocks destined for the most brilliant minds in finance

Bourses à la Recherche, Recherche, CITRD, Bourses, Formation en trading, Trader, Quant, CIT

excellence et équité en formation pour trader au CITThe Californian Institute of Trading welcomes above all students in the trading course in its research center. One having finished the Become a Trader program, with a diploma in hand, students interested by a career in financial research can apply for their first research position in the CITRD. The selection is made through exams and a hiring interview to measure their motivation. A dozen or so of the selected will receive a permanent contract with a very educational experience beside researchers from all over the world, and with attractive wages for a first job in research.

To this wealth of students motivated in their first research experience, the CITRD adds to its motor a selection of qualified researchers with vast experience in their respective fields.  They are selected with care, coming from the most prestigious universities and laboratories from around the world: From Oxford to Harvard, from Toronto to Soeul, they have all specialized their PhDs and studies in a specific field of research: algorithms for high frequency trading, behavioral psychology in trading, alternative management strategies, and so on. Their contribution is essential to the direction of research at the CIT, and their long experience pushes them towards research that traditional educator-researchers would not have considered as attractive. Involvement in the CITRD laboratory is compensated by generous wages that can go up to $30,000 annually.

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La Russie a connu depuis début décembre la plus grande crise monétaire et économique de ce siècle. La chute du rouble brutale rappelle des souvenirs de la fin de la guerre froide.

Demandez à n’importe quel trader, qu’il soit employé par une banque, professionnel en Bourse ou amateur réalisant ses trades à domicile et il vous le dira : le métier n’est pas de tout repos.

Yahoo, mort et enterré ? Au début des années 2010, il est vrai que la situation n’était pas brillante pour la firme californienne.

Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Et après avoir tué les 40 voleurs et vengé la mort de son frère, Ali Baba vécut heureux entouré de sa famille, jouissant de la propriété de l’énorme trésor dont il était le seul à connaître l’existence.

C’est une grande première sur les marchés financiers, et elle fait du bruit : le cours moyen du baril de Brent brut sur 5 ans est désormais exprimé sur 3 chiffres.


Publications and educational resources of the CIT. Publications and educational resources of the CIT.



Theorical knowledge and market room experience



Enseignement dispensé au CIT Teachings, diploma and accreditations of the CIT



Research and innovation in financial engineering Innovation and financial engineering research at CIT.

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